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来自 : www.360golbal.com/b1b8652/ 发布时间:2021-03-25







visitor 及 tourist (1) 一般在意思上没有大分别 严格来说 (2) visitor是指‘短暂时间内停留/出现於某处之人’ 通常的理解是‘访客’ (3) tourist是指‘观光性质的游人’ 通常的理解是‘游客’ 但这2个字在一些国家的入境签证方面则有不同的意思 以美国为例 (4) tourist visa 适用於入境‘作乐及观光’的人士 (5) visitor visa 的入境目的则可以细分为 (a) 商务 (b) 观光 (c) 医疗 等等





1线:関関同立(関西大, 関学大, 同志社, 立命馆)2线:产近甲龙(京产大, 近畿大, 甲南大, 龙谷大)再往下的大学建议你不要去了,如果考不上2线建议你再读一年。







01 北海道 hokkaidou 02 青森県 aomoriken 03 岩手県 iwateken 04 宫城県 miyagiken 05 秋田県 akitaken 06 山形県 yamagataken 07 福岛県 hukusimaken 08 茨城県 ibarakiken 09 栃木県 totigikin 10 群马県 gunmaken 11 崎玉県 saitamaken 12 千叶県 tibaken 13 东京都 toukyouto 14 神奈川県 kanagawaken 15 新潟県 niigataken 16 富山県 toyamaken 17 石川県 isikawaken 18 福井県 hukuiken 19 山梨県 yamanasiken 20 长野県 naganoken 21 岐阜県 gihuken 22 静冈県 hukuokaken 23 爱知県 aitiken 24 三重県 mieken 25 滋贺県 sigaken 26 京都府 kyoutohu 27 大阪府 oosakahu 28 兵库県 hyougoken 29 奈良県 naraken 30 和歌山県 wakayamaken 31 鸟取県 tottoriken 32 岛根県 simaneken 33 冈山県 okayamaken 34 広岛県 hirosimaken 35 山口県 yamagutiken 36 徳岛県 tokusimaken 37 香川県 kagawaken 38 爱媛県 ehimeken 39 高知県 koutiken 40 福冈県 hukuokaken 41 佐贺県 sagaken 42 长崎県 nagasakiken 43 熊本県 kumamotoken 44 大分県 ooitaken 45 宫崎県 miyazakiken 46 鹿児岛県 kagosimaken 47 冲縄県 okinawaken





1线:関関同立(関西大, 関学大, 同志社, 立命馆)2线:产近甲龙(京产大, 近畿大, 甲南大, 龙谷大)再往下的大学建议你不要去了,如果考不上2线建议你再读一年。






Potted orchids festival activities throughout different. Generally 13-16 days, but also the July 7 called ?7 pots? as Yulanpen Festival, the August 1 called ?pots worshippers? as Yulanpen section of the end of July, in Nara, and other longer period, Yulanpen Festival will be extended to 20th called ?20 pots?, 21-rest day called ?Tim pots?. During the holiday period is a welcome her, After the memorial, a series of activities to pay. General in July 12, 13% will be set up throughout the city ?? pots, used for the sale of holiday flowers, sweets, gifts. With a bamboo door into the home to high flying from celebrating cleaning up the cemetery, at home with pots shed ?? (altar) for the ancestral tablets, decorations, paper lanterns, for flowers, and so on. Ancestral spirits, known as pots of orchids, died near the family ancestral worship activities at the new pots called ??, ?? new pots in the family on July 1 or on the 7th to begin early so preparations for the holding of the initial and additional attention. July 13 evening in the cemetery, the entrance of the village, seaside, mountains places in the bark of white pine or wheat, rice straw, etc. point to be called ?? welcome え fire, has illuminated the path home, lead a soul to return to their ancestral home. Welcome home, the daily worship fruit, fish and other tasty variety offer sacrifice to the ancestors. Parents also alive family event called ?Health Basin Health Royal 霊? ??, general gifts ?mackerel? (Mackerel, white fish), Su 麺 ?? (dried noodle), wheat flour, rice and other gifts to pray for the longevity and without parents. By 16 June, the fire started again, called to り ?? fire, bringing sweets, to ancestral graves or entrance of the village to return to the soul, seaside places, equitable burned on the street or the Boat Basin ?? ?? his current job to り walk. However, the consideration for the reduction of environmental pollution, the government prohibited to sea, river not throw debris, mostly sweets to the cemetery where, or burned. Moreover, in Kyushu, and other places also held football matches, called Web cited ?? pots, and the New Year reception of the year competition as a divine harvest shipped significance. For example, while the villagers are divided into counties Zuohe next two games competitions held customs, the team will win the agricultural harvest, the team won fishery will harvest. Yulanpen section also a few more lively dance ?? pots. In the shrine in the small town square, or broad areas, people head across towels, wearing a bamboo hat, co-author of the 7,775-folk songs, fun to Tiaoa shouted Oh, free of sweat and passion, and dance moves are relatively simple. There are two forms of dance ?? Basin, a study called ?? 仏 Company is coming to comfort the soul, in order to celebrating pm, people dressed in a variety of Japanese-style clothing, finds the drums and follow the progress. Another is getting ?? [character missing years, the dance is a prayer harvest, we Wai wreathe around ?sculling oar? (high-profile) to the exuberant dance. As a recreational activities, the latter is more popular. With the development of society, where people busy life, inherited from the ancient worship activities, customs protocol are slowly simplified his country Yue Lan Festival have gradually lost their original meaning After the memorial, more a tourist, leisure and entertainment festival activities. In the city where people use vacation time to visit relatives, travel, enjoy the reunion of the music. It is hard for half a year from the minor repair of mutual sympathy and the prayers of happiness and harvest. Under the Rockefeller gift pots ?? ?? also called Plan pots ?? Basin flood, and the New Year, it is the beginning of the new significance in pots ?? left to the usual kind of care relatives, friends, colleagues, supervisors gift-giving customs are very popular in Japan. And New Year\'s gifts of 対 ?? left 歳 morning, called ghost ?? left. Some localities such as customs ?? ?pots pots 歳 great festival for pots ceremony? ?? ?? pots see dance, and so on. Such gifts habits can be said to be the Royal spirit Yulanpen section ?? extension of the customs, not only to send gifts to their parents, relatives and friends of the more widely spread, colleagues leadership. Clothing, food, toys and other daily necessities can be used to express the concern and sympathy for each other. The fifteenth day of ancient China, July 15 and October 15 respectively called Shangyuan, Chung, Ha. The Japanese ancient days as a full month to the beginning, and in this day sacred customs; And the sub-half year, in January and July, ...

本文链接: http://kawaken.immuno-online.com/view-738407.html

发布于 : 2021-03-25 阅读(0)
QQ :1570468124